
Minimalist Concepts Anyone Can Use To De-clutter

“We’re out sharing a recipe. You know, we’re not out here trying to proselytize. We’re not trying to convert anyone to minimalism. But I do want to share a recipe and see if there are ingredients that other people can get value from and apply those ingredients to their own life.” – Joshua Fields Millburn, Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things Over the past few years, I’ve read countless books, articles, and blog posts on minimalism. I also enjoyed watching Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things on Netflix. I don’t claim to be a minimalist (yet), but I’ve begun Read more…


Book Review: Margin by Richard Swenson

At the beginning of 2018, did you choose a “word of the year” for yourself? I like to choose a word, verse, or motto to help me set my intention for the year. A few years ago, I picked the word “margin.” I don’t remember exactly where I first learned about the concept of margin, but I had seen the term pop up in several articles and blog posts about minimalism. I was feeling stretched thin at the time, and the idea of margin in my life was enormously appealing. I craved space. Space to breathe. Time to think. Energy Read more…


Five Things I Minimized to Create Space in My Home

Several years ago, I discovered minimalism through Joshua Becker’s blog, Becoming Minimalist. I was drawn to the concept of making more room for joy in my life by removing possessions. I recognized that I was spending a lot of time cleaning, organizing, and managing our home and its contents, instead of spending that time enjoying my family and friends. I must admit, minimizing is still a struggle for me today, but the progress I’ve made encourages me to continue. Does this mean my goal is a stark white house with only the most essential items inside it? Absolutely not! My goal Read more…


Book Review: The More of Less

A few years ago, I discovered Joshua Becker’s blog, Becoming Minimalist. At the time, my husband and I were anticipating a move, and preparing to downsize to a smaller house. Becker’s posts have inspired me again and again as I’ve walked the path from de-cluttering to downsizing to embracing minimalism. Now, truth be told, anyone who walked into my home would not describe it as “minimal,” but that’s ok. If I’ve learned anything from Joshua Becker, it’s that minimalism looks a little different for everyone. His latest book, The More of Less, describes his minimalist experience. It all started with Read more…