
Thank you for visiting Room for Joy! I hope you’ve discovered something here that brings you joy today. I strive to provide meaningful content for my readers, which sometimes includes recommending a product or service. I only endorse products and services that I have tried for myself and would recommend to a friend. All opinions are my own.

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links. If you click on one of these links and choose to make a purchase, I will receive a small commission, but your price won’t be any higher because of it. Many links on my blog are included solely for the benefit of my readers and do not result in compensation for me even when a purchase is made.

The artists featured on my blog do not pay for advertising. In some cases, I may be compensated for a feature post with a discounted or complimentary piece of artwork.

I may accept complimentary products or services to review if they relate to topics covered by my blog (interiors, books, travel, homemaking, healthy lifestyle). Again, I will only endorse that which I’ve experienced and believe may be useful to my readers.

Right now, blogging is more of a hobby than a business for me, but as I grow my blog, earning an income will help me offset my operating costs. Thank you for supporting my efforts!

If you are interested in collaborating with me or advertising on Room for Joy, please use my contact form to reach me. I look forward to hearing from you!


(Disclosure policy updated September 2017.)